Following the last day of summer school for us, I went back home to Utah for about a week, where I spent the time with my family, having lunch with lots of friends, and preparing my belongings to take to San Francisco.
At the end of the week, my parents drove with me and all my temporal possessions to California, and commenced on a three day apartment hunt that resulted in my current location. That was about a week ago. Since then, I've been in the dark, disconnected, or as it is also known - without internet. It's been painful, I assure you, but after that long wait my patience has finally been rewarded. This afternoon a little malaysian man came to the apartment, hooked me up with cable internet, and now it's time to party.
So expect more updates coming soon. Particularly, I'd check back next week seeing as how school will be starting on Monday. From everything I've heard from the staff at my school, it's going to be an experience unlike anything I've ever seen before.
BTW - I have a job teaching 6-7th grade math at a 4-8 middle school in San Francisco. Guess I forgot to mention that...