
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Over the Hill

Somehow the word got out in my classroom that my birthday was on Sunday. I didn't tell anyone, except my collab, so I'm guessing it leaked through them somehow.

On Tuesday, sometime during the day after the news had leaked out, the class started guessing on how old I was (while I wasn't in the room, mind you). When I walked into teach my period later that day, someone had written on the board "Happy 40th Birthday Mr. Woahn!" I laughed.

Jump to today. Just before class started, Amber, one of my students, walked into the room carrying this enormous cake that said "Happy Birthday Mr. Woahn" with a solitary candle that said "Over the Hill." I cried.

This just blew me away, I never would have expected anything of this sort within such a short period of time, but I think it's indicative of the type of classroom environment that we've fostered. We have some awesome kids, and it's been such a great experience to work with them. Today my FA said that she had talked with TFA to see if she could hire us to finish the last two weeks of class. I'd guess that means we've been doing a good job.

I played "Logarithmic Jeopardy" with my class today, and I think if I had to surmise the experience in a single word, it would be pandemonium. Great kids, but boy are they competitive.

And then I got in a bike ride this evening... what more can I ask for?


Benji and Aubrey said...

awwww...what great students! though I'm not surprised they care about someone who is so completely committed to their success. Sounds like you're one fine teacher

Heidi said...

I am so glad that you were remembered on your almost birthday! Especially because your mother wasn't there to sing to you!

Less than a month Jonathan, and you've wormed your way into their hearts! You were born to do this!

You are one fine teacher!