
Friday, April 9, 2010

Allergies and Law Suits

On Wednesday of this week, my students were taking a practice CST test for English/Language Arts.  I had my homeroom students, of which there were only 10 in my classroom.  As I was administering the test, they were being so amazingly well behaved that I decided that I wanted to reward them, and so I pulled some granola bars out of my cabinet.  I put them on the overhead at the front of the room, and told them that if they kept it up for 20 minutes, I had a "brain treat" for them.

They did amazing for another 20 minutes (there were only 10 minutes left in the class after that) and so they had earned the granola bars.  I had two different flavors - "Cookies and Cream" and "Peanut Butter".  I went up to each student and asked them "Cookies and Cream or Peanut Butter"?  Each student would then reply, and I'd give them their choice.

I went up to one particular student - Tamiya - and asked her the same question - "Cookies and Cream or Peanut Butter"?  She says Peanut Butter, I give her her bar and think nothing more of it.  About 5 minutes later, I hear Tamiya spitting something up and then she yells at me "WOAHN!  WHAT DOES THIS HAVE IN IT?!"  I look at her and quietly respond "Tamiya, look at the wrapper - it's Peanut Butter..."  And she yells back at me "I CAN'T EAT THIS - I'M ALLERGIC TO PEANUT BUTTER!"  Good grief.  In my head, I'm imagining a Hitch like experience with her head swelling up to the size of a basketball, her throat closing off, etc.  But at the same time I'm thinking "Are you for real?  I gave you the choice and clearly asked you which you'd prefer - and it's not like Peanut Butter SOUNDS like Cookies and Cream, does it?"  Do they?  I couldn't hear it, no matter how I distorted it.

Anyhow, she spits it out and then asks me if I have any more granola bars.  I didn't, because I just had enough for all of them to have one, and so I said no.  So then she proceeded to respond "Well, if I swell up, I'm going to suit you!" Right Tamiya.  As sweet as this particular young woman can be, she doesn't follow through on anything since I started teaching here.  I wasn't too worried.  But just in case... I had a class full of students who started laughing as soon as Tamiya said that she was allergic to Peanut Butter because - SHE HAD CHOSEN PEANUT BUTTER ON HER OWN!  And all my students knew it.

Thus far, my lawyers number remains silent.  Let's keep it that way.


Lesley said...

That's hilarious.

Masharika said...

Jonathan, you and I both know that the "T" in Tamiya stands for (all) Talk. The lesson I learned last year was that the kids are allergic to anything that they don't like the taste of -- peanuts, broccoli, spinach, baked chips, homework. You get the idea. Just a heads up, though...David really is allergic to peanuts.

Unknown said...

Very good to know! Thanks Mash!

Parkinson Family said...

lol. thats funny