
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Bayview

Thurgood Marshall is the high school that my school feeds in to - we literally share a fence with them.  The video that I've linked below was done by the peer resource group at Thurgood Marshall, which I think is very enlightening, but scares me to death to think that this is where my students are headed.  Welcome to the Bayview.


jackie herself said...

jonathan, thank you for posting that video, and sharing your students stories. i'm going to repost it. =)

Bill said...

Brings it home, doesn't it? My heart goes out to these kids...especially the ones that want so badly to make a difference but are getting dragged down to the level of the general "community". Education is really the key that can get them out. If they can perform, there are thousands of scholarships waiting for them out there to help them succeed. These are the kids that society really does want to help and has the resources to make it happen. Heros be a hero.